
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thankful Thursday

It's Thankful Thursday again and time for me to hone in on all the things I've been grateful for this week:
1. My "pinky" sister (a breast cancer survivor), Karen Fedder, came to visit and we forged a great new friendship!

2. I received a pair of "Knitted Knockers." (they are handmade breast implants donated by volunteers who love to knit and want to do something to help breast cancer patients)

3. God has been blessing me through nature:
I was able to watch a mother house wren teach her babies to fly!
I saw several hummingbirds this week.
I watched a young doe as she pranced through my front yard looking for something good to eat.

4. I received a breast casting kit from the "Keep a Breast Foundation" (although I can't use it now, perhaps I can find someone to donate it to in the future)

5. The plumber came to repair our guest bathroom toilet and didn't charge us a thing!

6. Hubby has stepped up and donned his SUPERMAN cape! He's not only pitched in to do the housework, he's become my night in shining armor helping to wash my hair, change my dressings, tuck me into bed, and tell me that I am beautiful every day. *(I'll expound on this at the end of this post so please, please read it!)

7. God reminded me that He wants to give me good and perfect gifts! He is the one who prompts friends to reach out and encourage me. I've had several friends contact me this week through emails, cards, calls, and gifts! I received 3 floral arrangements - one from my daughter, one from a sweet friend from the past, and one from my sister, Sam. I received a lovely edible arrangement, teddy bear, and balloon from an old friend. I received a beautiful journal from my dear friend Wendy Reising.

*****You know you've got a godly husband when he sees the beauty on the inside of you instead of just focusing on the outside appearance. My husband, Phil, can look at me with no makeup on while I'm wearing my pajamas, with bandages all over my chest, drainage hoses sticking out from the top of my shirt, blood filled drainage bulbs dangling in front of me, and still call my name, telling me to look him in the eyes...when I do, he says "do you know you're beautiful?" I lower my head in shame and shake my head no. He comes to stand in front of me and takes my face in both his hands and tells me again to look at him. Our eyes lock and through the tears, I see his sweet face. He is genuine in his love for me. He means every word he's said from the bottom of his heart. Even though I don't feel full of beauty, when I see myself through his eyes, I know I am. I am so blessed and so thankful that God has chosen this man to be by my side forever. I know I can get through anything as long as he is there to encourage, love, and support me. And for that I am very thankful. I'm not only thankful on Thursdays, but thankful every single day of my life.

Please know that God is so good to me and even when things don't seem to be going well, I know that He is orchestrating events for His perfect plan for my life. I pray you will be encouraged today as you struggle with your own journey whatever it may be...know that we can't always trust in our feelings...we have to trust in what we KNOW to be true. God loves us because we are His beautiful children. He has created us for His pleasure. We are to love and serve Him with all our being. Though you can't see Him and you might not be able to always feel His presence, He is with you. He's promised never to leave or forsake us! He loves us with an everlasting love..."The Lord appeared from of old to me [Israel], saying, Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn you and continued My faithfulness to you." Jeremiah 31:3

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