
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Urgent prayer requests

I'm a firm believer that when we pray, God wants us to be specific about our needs. Yes, He is God and He already knows what we need even before we ask, but He does want us to ask. I am asking all of my friends and my blog readers to please pray for the following:
  1. Pray for wisdom, direction and guidance for Dr. Nicole Sroka as she operates on me. For God to give her keen eyes and steady hands. 
  2. Pray for the anesthesiologist to know the best combination of medicines to give me to put me to sleep and keep me asleep during the entire procedure. That none of the medicines would interfere with my current prescriptions and that I'd not experience any serious side effects from the anesthesia. I'm especially asking you to pray that I do not have any nausea after the surgery. Heaving after having your chest cut wide open would be very painful!
  3. Pray that the radioactive dye would illuminate any microscopic cancer cells that might be lurking in my breast tissue or lymph nodes and for anything that needs to be illuminated to stand out like a brilliant glo-stick (sorry, too many grandchildren and that's the only glowing thing I could think of!)
  4. Lymphedema is a very painful condition that is quite common after breast surgeries and lymph node removal. Please pray that I do not experience this!
  5. Pray that no seromas (pockets of clear fluid that sometimes develop in the body after surgery when small blood vessels are ruptured allowing plasma to seep out and cause inflammation from dying injured cells) or hematomas (blood clots) form. 
  6. Pray for no infection to be caused by airborne germs or unclean instruments. Especially pray a hedge of protection around me against any MRSA infections!!!
  7. Pray for an overwhelming peace to surround me the morning of my surgery and during my surgery. Surgery starts at 7:30 a.m. but I will be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. getting hooked up to IVs etc. 
  8. Pray for me to wake up with a grateful and thankful heart!
  9. Pray for patient and kind nurses who have hearts of mercy. 
  10. Pray for a private room so my husband can stay the night with me. 
  11. Pray for my husband to experience God's perfect peace as he waits in the waiting room during my surgery. 
  12. Pray for my family members, my children, grandchildren, siblings, and my mother. I'm asking that they will see God do a mighty work in my life through this.
  13.  Pray for an extra measure of strength for my family members who plan to help me when I come home. 
  14. Pray for God to set a guard at my lips so that no unkind word would be spoken after I come home and am in pain. 
That's all I can think of right now but as you pray, if God lays something else on your heart, by all means please pray for it! I won't be blogging for a day or two after this post because of surgery but please know I will continue to keep you updated on the journey as I get my strength back. God bless you for taking time to pray and for being continued supporters. It's so good to know I don't walk this road alone...

©bonnie annis all rights reserved
"Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God." Phillipians 4:6

1 comment:

  1. We are praying for you Bonnie! Gary & Cheryl Greene


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