
Monday, August 25, 2014

Where there's a will, there's a way

Last night I wanted to take a bath. Normally, that's nothing out of the ordinary but now, I couldn't just jump into my tub to soak because of all the black marks from my radiation mapping. When I'd had that procedure done early last week, the doctor told me not to get those wet. She said if they came off, we'd have to go through the whole process of mapping all over again. I surely didn't want that. Hmmm....what to do??? I could just run the water so it only came up to my thighs, but that wouldn't even feel like I was getting to enjoy my long, soaking bath. I could just forego the bath and take a shower...nah, I did that every day. My muscles were really aching and I needed a long, hot soak. After a few minutes, I had an epiphany!

One of my favorite movies of all times is Fried Green Tomatoes, based on the book Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg. It is filled with thought provoking drama and wonderful Southern humor. Jessica Tandy (Idgie/Ninny), Kathy Bates (Evelyn), and Mary Louise Parker (Ruth) play the lead roles in a story of a Depression-era friendship between two women, Ruth and Idgie, and a 1980s friendship between Evelyn, a middle-aged housewife, and Ninny, an elderly woman who knew Ruth and Idgie. The centerpiece and parallel story concerns the murder of Ruth's abusive husband and the accusations that follow. It's a movie I never tire of watching.

Recently, when my daughter, Erin, was in town, we had the pleasure of traveling to Senoia, Georgia to photograph the scene from the movie where Ruth's son, Buddy, loses his arm in a train accident. While we were there, we both sensed an eeriness of feeling the scene play out around us. Of course, it was only our vivid imaginations, but it was memorable to say the least.

Now, back to my desire to have a long, hot, soaking bath! (I know you wondered where in the world I was going with this post, but trust me and hang in there! It will all make sense in just a few minutes!) My mother always said, "where there's a will, there's a way." This old Southern saying meant if you wanted something badly enough, you'd figure out how to do it. Well, I really wanted that bath. I needed that bath. My epiphany came as a scene from the movie, Fried Green Tomatoes, flashed before me. In this particular scene, Kathy Bates, is attending classes on how to put the spark back in her marriage. She and her husband haven't been romantic in some time and she longs for that passion to be rekindled. In the scene, Evelyn (Kathy Bates) is sitting in a class taught by Fannie Flagg (the author of the book) and in the class, Fannie talks about how to get that "spark" back. As Fannie is speaking, Evelyn is daydreaming. She daydreams about wrapping her body in cellophane and greeting her husband at the door when he comes home from work in nothing but the cellophane. It's a hilarious scene but, it gave me an idea!

Cellophane!!! That was it! I ran into the pantry and pulled out a roll of Saran Wrap and hurriedly went back to the bathroom. I tried to wrap it around myself without much luck and so I called loudly to my husband, "can you come here and help me for just a minute?" Phil was watching Mountain Men on TV, a show about men who rough it in Alaska, and he didn't respond right away. I called to him again, "honey, can you come help me?" Within just a few minutes, he came into the bathroom to see what I needed help with. I explained my plan to him and instead of him looking at me like I was a crazy person, he calmly and patiently unrolled the plastic wrap and helped me wind it around my body several times. All the markings and dots were covered! Now I could get my bath!

Phil went back to watch his show and I ran my bath water. As I slid into the warm, soothing water, I think I heard music in the background...a heavenly TA DAH! (My Daddy always said TA DAH whenever he'd done something he was proud of and he wanted us to recognize him for his efforts.) I leaned back against the back of the tub and relaxed. The water was so pleasant and I could already feel my muscles unwinding. I glanced down at my abdomen and saw the Saran Wrap. Underneath the layers of Saran Wrap were large black dots and X's, and underneath all that were two long, dark red mastectomy scars. Boy was I a sight! I couldn't help but laugh and then I couldn't stop laughing! As I sat there, I couldn't help but think how you'd respond today as you read my post. If you aren't laughing at least maybe I've brought a smile to your face. There is indeed a way if you have the will and desire to do something. I think my Daddy would even be smiling because when I stepped out of the tub, I said a loud, "TA DAH" as I threw my arms open wide and grinned.

Watch the scene from Fried Green Tomatoes (Evelyn & Cellophane)
©bonnie annis all rights reserved

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