
Friday, September 26, 2014

Feeling yucky

What I want you to know- 
Yucky...a nicer way to say I feel disgusting. I used it a lot when my children were young, especially when they were sick and had a hard time describing how they felt to me. Well, last night the yuckiness began for me. Shortly after dinner, I began to feel extreme nausea. I wasn't sure if it was something I'd eaten, the new pain pills the doc had prescribed, a virus, or a combination of all three. I didn't like feeling like I was going through a round of morning sickness so I went to bed early. I slept fairly well because of the hydrocodone pills that Dr. Santiago had prescribed yesterday to help with my burn pain.

This morning, I woke up feeling rested but as soon as I got out of the bed, I began to feel nauseated again. I didn't have any ginger ale on hand, but found a packet of ginger tea. Ginger is supposed to be a natural anti nausea remedy. I don't like Ginger very much. The taste is so overpowering to me, but I drank it anyway. I just wanted to feel better.

I thought about calling in sick to the radiation clinic but before I could even do that, they called me! They said their machine was down today so they wouldn't be able to treat me and that they'd just tack that treatment on to the end of my remaining ones. WOOHOO. I didn't feel like going today anyway and my poor skin could surely use a break. 

The nausea continued and was getting stronger so I called my oldest daughter, Erin. She sells DoTerra essential oils and she'd know which oil would help with nausea. Her recommendation was peppermint oil. I put a couple of drops in a glass of water and drank it, (not very good tasting, but I did it anyway.) Still no relief so I put a few drops under my nose as she advised. Just smelling the peppermint seemed to help a little but then...things got really yucky. I won't go into details because when I say yucky, I mean YUCKY and you don't want to know.

Suffice it to say that after the yuckiness was over, I began to feel a little better. The nausea began to abate and I was able to slowly eat a piece of dry toast and keep it down (now you know what the yuckiness was...)

What I'm thinking-
Really??? All I need is to be sick at my stomach! Isn't it enough that I'm exhausted and burnt? Oh how thankful I am not to have to go to radiation today! I tried not to sound too overjoyed when they called, I wouldn't have wanted to hurt anyone's feelings, NOT. Guess it will be toast or crackers all day since I don't want to throw up again. I wish I had some Ginger ale...I'll call hubby and get him to pick some up on the way home from work, he's such a sweetheart, I know he'll do it for me. I hope it isn't a virus, I don't want him to get sick. I wonder if it was something I ate for dinner? Could it have been the chicken from Longhorns, or the salad? Is it a side effect from the pain meds? Oh, I wish I knew. I don't like being sick. I don't like feeling yucky...wish it would go away....

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you are feeling so yukky, hope you are better now. I hope you called your dr. I feel like such a baby b/c I ask my dr about everything. I keep ginger ale on hand and have ginger gum (from Walgreens - it's not so bad), I also have ginger mints from the natural food store. I am not fond of it either...but.... It's the get a break :-)


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