
Friday, September 19, 2014

The power of prayer

Yesterday was an extremely hard day for me and I think it was probably the worst day by far with regard to physical fatigue. After sharing my difficulties with family and friends, I took the remainder of the day to do absolutely nothing but rest. I had no energy to do anything else. I didn't even make my bed yesterday, which is totally out of character for me but I just physically couldn't do it.

Today is a different day, I'm glad to report! I know it is a result of many prayer warriors who have been fighting alongside me in this battle. They have undergirded me with their faithful prayers. I feel a little more energetic fact, I just stripped my bed, and put a load of laundry in to wash. Those mundane chores may seem like nothing to those of you who have good health but to those of us who are struggling...those little things are a major accomplishment on treatment days.

Treatment 14 is today. In just about an hour, I'll drive myself to the radiation clinic and go through the daily routine of getting undressed, slipping on a gown, lying under the linear accelerator, and watching lasers mark my body. After I'm adjusted properly on the table and all of my little tattoo markings are lined up with the lasers, the machine will begin to hover over me and I'll hear all sorts of clicking and popping. They won't be applying the "bolus" today. Dr. Santiago came in yesterday and said that part of treatment was over. (The "bolus" is a thick wet towel that is applied over the chest where my breasts used to be. It acts as a layer of human tissue to trick the radiation into thinking it is penetrating a thick layer of muscle and skin.) Beams of radiation will be shot at me from various angles and after about thirty minutes, I'll come home. I'm thankful today is Friday because that means I won't have to go to the radiation clinic for two whole days! That little break in treatment is a wonderful mini vacation for me, but on Monday, we'll start all over again. When I get home, I'll immediately apply Radiaplex gel to my torso to alleviate some of the skin burns. It will begin to sooth the burns within a very short period of time. Throughout the day, I'll reapply the gel two more times in hopes of keeping the burns to a minimum.

I'd like to thank all those who are faithful to lift me up in prayer. I know God hears those prayers and honors them. I am grateful to have a team of support. Just knowing you're behind me makes me want to fight even harder. Forgive me on the days I am weak. I'm doing my best to be strong but some days are worse than others. Please continue to pray for these specific needs as you think about me:
  • For physical stamina
  • Protection of my skin in the area they are radiating
  • Protection of my right lung and my liver from harmful radiation beams that can damage them permanently
  • For my throat (they are radiating this area too and I've already begun to experience some hoarseness and difficulty swallowing)
  • For financial provision for medical bills
  • For Phil's mental and physical well being (he's trying to be strong for me and also working long hours to provide for our needs)
  • For my children as they continue to process all of this in their own unique ways
Thank you for your sweet love and support! Your words of encouragement through cards, prayers, letters, texts, and Facebook messages have meant so much! You are so special to me!

©bonnie annis all rights reserved

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed . The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16 KJV
"Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven." Matthew 18:19 ESV


  1. I'm so glad to hear today is a little better! Put you on my bible study prayer list & fb friends are praying!! Love you!!!


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