
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hope and renewal

Oh what a gloriously beautiful day! It's so nice and warm and sunny. It's been cold and dreary for such a long time now and I've gotten so very tired of Winter. Sometimes, it seems like it will last forever. As I think about the seasons, I can't help but think about my life. Spring was when I was full of youth. Summer found me just a little older and beginning to blossom. Autumn brought wisdom and even more years of life...and now, on the tail end of Autumn, I stare straight into the eyes of Winter...the Winter of my life. Winter - the last season.

Today, we've been given a little taste of Spring. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and there's a hint of anticipation in the air. For days and days we've had nothing but overcast skies and gloominess. Though the sun is shining, it's a facade. Winter is still very present and Winter, even though not always welcomed, is necessary. Beneath the cold and frozen ground lie plants and animals suspended in time. But wait! Something is happening...things changing. Things are being revitalized, renewed, and restored. It's a time of preparation.

Winter is the time of year when plants cease growing and lie dormant. The trees, naked and bare, stand like sentries keeping watch. Flowers have sloughed off their petals and leaves. They look like barren, lifeless twigs. Though they look dead, they are still very much alive. They soak up sunlight but don't expend any energy growing...they wait. Animals rest, too. Some hibernate and others merely slow down. They focus on doing whatever is necessary to survive. Winter.

When the weather turned cold, I brought my plants in so they wouldn't freeze. They've been sitting on my kitchen table for several months now. Every morning, I make sure to open the blinds early so they can soak up every drop of sunlight that shines in my window. The days are short now and sunlight is vital for them. Today, since it's close to 70 degrees, I think they'll enjoy being outside. As I carry them, I look down at their leaves. They've seemed a little droopy and limp lately. Their color is lacking. As I get closer to the door, it almost seems they're perking do they know warm air and sunshine are coming?

I sit my plants on the porch and walk out into the day. It feels so refreshing! The air is cool and breezy. Glancing over my shoulder, I see my rose bushes. The blooms, long faded since last Summer, have died. All that remains are thorny shafts. At first look, I wonder if they are completely dead. Could the cold weather have killed them? Taking my pruning shears in hand, I snip off a third of one branch and look. The core is green! It's still alive! I'm so thankful and begin carefully shaping and pruning. The pruning will encourage new growth to sprout in the next few months. I can hardly wait to see my roses full and lush again.

In the Winter of my life, I too have slowed down. I find myself thinking more and doing less. Perhaps I need to take this time to rest. Perhaps my body is in the process of restoration and renewal too. I think the Winter of my life is a good time to be still and reflect on what God's done over the years. It's also a time to focus on healing both spiritually and physically.

Sometimes Winters are hard, but no matter how hard they seem, one thing is true...Spring will come again! The world may look dead and lifeless right now but soon, it's going to come alive again. It will soon be teaming with life. The sun will shine strong and brilliant again. Things will grow. The days will be warm and sweet. There is a time and a purpose for everything and as Winter fades, a season of hope springs forth. I cling to that hope, do you?

©bonnie annis all rights reserved

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