
Thursday, January 1, 2015

New beginnings

The first day of the New Year has come and with it, comes a deep desire for me to sit at my Savior's feet letting my heart spill out into His lap. I have been so weighed down with burdens. There is so much to pray for in this lonely, lost and hurting world. There is so much pain amid those I know and many much suffering... but as I think about those things, I can't help but realize it is impossible to experience the depth of the God's care without pain in our lives. And perhaps that is why He allows teach us to trust. He is our burden bearer. Psalm 68:19 says, Praise be to the LORD, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens." He wants to carry our burdens for us! Otherwise, why would He have said, in Matthew 11:28-30, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy [i.e., easy fitting], and my burden is light." He never intended for us to carry our burdens alone.
As I thought about the ones I wanted to lift up to the throne this morning, I couldn't help but think of Kara Tippetts, the young mother of 4 who is dying of stage 4 breast cancer.  Kara's family and friends have rallied around her as hospice care has begun. Any day now, I expect to receive word that she has gone home to glory. She is my sister, my friend, although I've never had the honor to meet her in person. I put myself in her place and try to imagine how I would feel if I were on my death bed struggling to take my last breath...longing to remain in this world so I could be with my children and loved ones but then, also reaching out to take Jesus' hand and cross into the next world, a world with no more pain. I can imagine the brokenness of her heart as she looks upon the sweet faces of her little ones, knowing they'll grow up without a mother...the deep wounded hurt of knowing she will have to leave her soul mate, her husband, alone and with so much responsibility. And even amid her dying, Kara has a deep understanding of all God has required of her...over the past couple of years of struggle, all the things she's endured to prolong her life... she's fought a good fight and allowed Jesus to shine through her every step of the way. Oh my heart breaks for her! She's had more than her share of suffering.

What an honor to intercede on behalf of those we love by taking their needs to the throne of Grace. What a privilege to call upon Jesus in the midst of their trials. For one friend, I'm asking Jesus to be her light in the midst of a dark despair that has been closing in on her from all sides. For another, that He'll be her comfort as she continues to grieve over the loss of her husband...and then, there's the friend who needs restoration of her marriage. The list goes on and on. Do you have friends who need prayer? Are there those in your family who need intercession? I am sure there are and I bet your list looks something like this, too.

What I’ve come to understand is that in this broken world, brokenness is normal. We can’t escape it. Some people experience much brokenness in their lives and others are barely touched by it at all. If life were what we wanted, if we had everything we desired, there would be no need for a Messiah, no need for Emmanuel - God with us.When I feel overwhelmed by the hurt and pain in my life, and I think the brokenness might suffocate me, God reminds me that He is still present. That He sees all of it and nothing escapes His attention, not even one single tear. He reminds me that all of this will soon pass away and every tear shall be wiped away and replaced with unending joy and hope...with His perfect peace. 

Have you ever noticed that the people who are the most madly in love with Jesus and the ones who seem to be the closest to Him are the ones who have experienced big hurts in their lives? Pain and suffering drive us into the arms of Jesus because that is where we find hope...comfort...and BIG GIANT LOVE. For those who know Him, for those who have learned of Him, they know that even when the hard times come, they aren't alone. That is why they can still find hope...they can smile even when things are difficult...they can still trust.

So today, as I reflect on the past, on the moments when Christ kept me, blessed me, comforted me, protected me...I give thanks. I will choose to feast on His love and remember that even though there is pain and suffering in this world, there is also great love. Even though there are trials and suffering, there is hope. And even in the midst of what seems to be a very hopeless place, God is still there. He is waiting. He is ready. He is meet your needs, to be your comforter, to give you strength, to supply you with an endless bounty of His goodness if you will just take His hand and trust Him.

Let this new year be a year of fresh beginnings. Let the things of the past go...all the hurts, all the bitterness...all the unforgiveness...let it go. Let God be your healing balm. Let His love wash over you and soothe all the sore places. Let Him make you whole and complete so you can go out into this hurting, broken world and show others that HE IS LOVE.

©bonnie annis all rights reserved

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