
Friday, December 4, 2015

I made it to 58!

It came and went in a birthday, but then again, don't they always? 58 years. Who woulda thunk it? Certainly not me! But I'm grateful, oh so grateful, to be alive today.

It's funny that it took cancer to teach me to learn the most valuable lesson I've ever learned in my life, and that is to "be present in the moment." As I think back over my life, I realize there have been many, many moments I let slip away without ever having fully experienced them, but that was then...this is now. Not wearing a watch has helped immensely. Why be bogged down within the confines of time when you don't have to be? I used to be a clock watcher. I used to be a planner. I used to be a control freak. Now I feel like I'm a butterfly flitting through life just enjoying the next flower I land upon and it's amazing. Life is so much better this way!

I've also learned many important things that I hope to pass on to my children and grandchildren. Here are some of them and they aren't necessarily in order of importance:

58 things I've learned in my 58 years of life:

1. I don't regret things I did when I was younger -- but I do regret things I didn't do.

2. Worrying is futile. It never changes the outcome, anyway -- and most of the things we worry about don't ever end up happening. God is in control. He's got it! If I worry it's like saying to God, "I don't trust you to take care of this. You need my help so I've just got to worry a little otherwise, it might not turn out okay."

3. No one can prepare you for hearing the three most dreaded words ever - "You have cancer." But having a faith that is strong will get you through it.

4. If you ask me for my opinion, I'll be honest. If you don't really want to know, don't ask.

5. It's okay to be silly sometimes. Even if you're an adult. If I want to sing in the car, I'm gonna sing in the car. And maybe even move my body a little. I don't care who might be looking through my window. They're strangers, after all. They can think whatever they want to think.

6. It's never too late to make new -- and wonderful -- friends. Some of my best and most enjoyable friends have been made in the last few years. The Bible says, "...there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" and that is very true. Good friends are one of life's necessities.

7. I no longer believe the salesperson in the store when they tell me the outfit I'm trying on looks fabulous if I think it doesn't. After all, their job is to sell and move the merchandise out of the store.

8. I can and should always listen to the voice of God. That little voice speaking to my heart is the Holy Spirit and He's never steered me wrong.

9. I am definitely not the center of the universe.

10. I no longer take rejection personally. I used to, but not any more. Mainly because I'm not the center of the universe and it's usually more about the other person than about me.

11. I'm smarter than I think, braver than I seem, stronger than I believe, and smarter than I think. If I tell myself I can do something, I can usually do it. And, if I don't know how to do it, I'm going to find out how.

12. I used to love cooking. But now, after all these years, not so much. My kids are grown and gone. It's often less expensive for hubby and I to get takeout.

13. Speaking up is way underrated unless you are standing on principals or morals dear to you. Sometimes it's best to just keep your mouth closed. Listen twice as much as you speak. That's why God gave you two ears and only one mouth.

14. I'll never get to read all the books I want to read. There are just too many that I'm interested in but that's okay! I've read thousands and thousands over my lifetime and have gleaned knowledge from each of them. If you could only own one book, I would recommend the Holy Bible. It's the only book you'll ever need. It is so full of truth and wisdom. It is alive! God speaks to us through His Word and my Bible is my most treasured possession.

15. You're never too old to learn. It's when you stop learning that you start to grow old. I try to learn something new every single day.

16. Tell people you love them every chance you get. Time is short. People need to hear how you feel about them. Love is the greatest gift you could ever give someone and really and truly, that's what it's all

17. Never say never.

18. You can get over sadness even if you think you never will. While it never truly disappears, it dissipates with time.

19. Thinking you're right doesn't necessarily mean you are!

20. Everybody is entitled to their opinion. I don't have to agree with it, nor pretend I do. But their opinion belongs to them and it's not up to me to judge.

21. Earning a Bachelor's degree at age 50 feels way better than earning one right out of college.

22. It's also okay to wear earplugs if your husband snores. He won't care and you'll get a good night's sleep.

23. Leaving a show or movie early because you don't like it is not going to hurt anyone's feelings.

24. Saying no or "Sorry, I'm too busy" is okay. It's okay to set healthy boundaries and everyone should do it.

25. It's okay to ask someone to speak up or slow down if you can't understand what they're saying.

26. I don't have to convince myself to love my wrinkles and lines just because I've "earned" them.

27. It's okay to eat dessert first sometimes.

28. It's okay to take a nap in the middle of the day if you're tired.

29. I can learn a lot about life from my own children.

30. I am truly privileged to be growing old.

31. The squeaky wheel may get the grease, but everyone hates the squeaky wheel.

32. If you roll your eyes when your spouse tells a joke or a story, you're ruining it for everyone else in the room.

33. He who laughs at himself gets the most laughs.

34. It's impossible to read "Oh Mickey you're so fine. You're so fine, you blow my mind" without singing it.

35. No man can satisfactorily load a dishwasher.

36. The person who tells the best gossip is telling your secrets to everyone they know.

37. Being prompt shows respect.

38. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

39. Grudges are poison, the best antidote is to let them go.

40. Ask for forgiveness. We all screw up sometimes.

41. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember.

42. My happiness is not your responsibility.

43. Choose your battles wisely. Some aren't worth fighting.

44. Never take anything for granted.

45. Always look for the best in others.

46. A writer writes...always!

47. What other people think of you is none of your business.

48. Less is more.

49. Believe in miracles.

50. Love heals all wounds and covers a multitude of sin.

51. Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.

52. Money will never solve your problems but it's nice to have a little.

53. You can't please everyone.

54. It's not all about you.

55. Early to bed, early to rise didn't make me wealthy but might have made me wise.

56. If you find a penny, pick it up!

57. Share with others.

58. You'll never run out of love to give away so give it away freely.

© bonnie annis all rights reserved.

1 comment:

  1. Those are 58 pretty cool thing you've learned. I don't know if I could come up with 65 . By the way, I do pick up a penny if I see one on the ground .


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