Over 7 months ago, at the advice of a friend, I applied for Social Security Disability. Surely they would consider Breast Cancer a disabling disease, right? Well, not so! Three months later, I received a letter stating that I had been denied benefits and was given the option to appeal. I thought long and hard about it. Should I appeal or should I not? I'd been working since the age of 15 and I'd been contributing to the Social Security program since then...why shouldn't I appeal now that I was unable to be gainfully employed? All those dollars I'd had deducted from my paychecks was mine, right? And I needed it now!
Well, after months of waiting, I received a letter requesting me to attend a psychological evaluation as part of Social Security's appeal process. I agreed to participate and had no idea what to expect. As a child, I was always taught that honesty was the best policy and that teaching has carried into my adult life. Each question asked by the psychologist was answered in that manner. The evaluation took about an hour and as I left, I felt good about the appointment. So I went home and waited some more.

Today, I received a letter from the SSA (Social Security Administration) stating they didn't think I was disabled to the extent that I could no longer work. They advised that if I was unsatisfied with their decision, I could ask for a hearing. I talked to my friend, who has a friend that works for the SSA, and she said this is standard procedure. According to my friend, most people are denied twice and then must hire an attorney to finally get their benefits. She said that's what I should do. Well...I thought about it.
I decided that I'd rather not have to jump through any more SSA hoops in order to try and receive disability benefits. Sure, those benefits would have helped greatly with medical bills and prescriptions but to me, it's just not worth it.
Before submitting my appeal, I prayed about it and asked God for His will to be done. I took the answer of "no" today as His answer. Apparently, there's some reason I was not approved and though disappointing, I'm taking it as His best answer for me. I have to remind myself that His ways are not my ways. He always knows best! He knows what the future holds and I do not.
Just think...it I had gotten approved for the benefits, it would have changed my life in several different ways. It would have made our financial situation a whole lot better but it would have allowed me to put my trust in the extra monthly income instead of in God. That would not have been a good thing, therefore, I consider this a blessing in disguise. By God's "no," I can see things more clearly. My faith and trust need to always be in Him and Him alone. I'm thankful I didn't have to learn that lesson the hard way! And so, this is just another blip on the radar...life goes on.
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Those darn 'blips'.....yes, life goes on. You have such a great attitude.