
Monday, June 9, 2014

Let it go

The popular children's movie, Frozen, has prompted mothers, fathers, people of all kinds to make cute videos singing one of the key songs from the movie, "Let it go." While I've never seen the movie, nor listened to the entirety of the song, the title has special meaning to me.

Since receiving my diagnosis of Breast Cancer last Thursday, I have struggled. I've cried a thousand tears, I've questioned God, I've tried to understand why I have this invasive disease tearing away at my body. I've read many informative articles on the internet and have done all that I can to become informed and knowledgeable. I've spent the past few nights tossing and turning as the zillions of "what if" questions poured through my mind...will my husband still love me when I have a disfigured body, will my hair fall out, will I experience a lot of pain, will I die. All of those questions are important to have answered but the most important one I've struggled with is why. So, I asked God and this is the answer I received...

I did not receive the gift of Cancer for any reason other than for God's glory. Did you catch that I said the "gift of Cancer"? I'm choosing to call it a gift because I know that God is going to use it in my life to do several things. The first thing He's going to use it for is to teach me to FULLY trust Him in all things. I've prayed for years for Him to deepen my faith...and I'm sure that this is part of the answer to that prayer. He's also going to use it to allow me to minister His love to others. How do I know this? Because if I am able to glorify Him during the midst of my suffering, then I'm sure others will see that God is good. Even when trials come and when difficulties enter our lives, we can CHOOSE to either let go and trust God or we can choose to struggle on our own.

Have you ever seen a drowning person in the midst of a deep blue sea...flailing their arms about, screaming for someone to come and help them? When the rescuer comes, with life vest in tow, the drowning person frantically thrashes about. Grabbing at the rescuer, the drowning person almost takes down the very person who came to help. Often times, the rescuer will actually have to knock the drowning victim out to get them to relax and allow help to occur. God showed me today that this is exactly where I am. I've been thrashing about, struggling to understand why, fighting with all that is within me to keep from drowning. Why have I been doing this when all I've had to do is reach up and take His mighty hand?

Today I've chosen to "let it go" as the Frozen song says. I'm choosing to just rest in God's love knowing that none of this was a surprise to Him. It's hard to fathom that even before I was conceived in my mother's womb, He knew that this day would come. I'm so thankful that I did not know it before last Thursday!

I'm not going to say that this journey won't be difficult for me; I know it will be. But how I face the journey is up to me. If I choose to walk the path in my own strength, I will slip deep into the deep blue sea sinking into the unknown. If I choose to take God's mighty hand and trust Him to lead me through, I know I will rise above the raging waters of this nasty sea of Cancer and I will survive. If I can bring glory to God during my journey by being obedient and relying on Him, then I'll know that His gift of Cancer has been for my benefit. The choice is up to me and I choose life. I CHOOSE to let it go. I am going to choose to praise God in this storm. ©Bonnie Annis all rights reserved 

Praise you in the Storm - Casting Crowns video


  1. Hi Bonnie,
    Your blog today is beautiful, moving on so many levels. I pray your peace in the Lord fills with a trust you have never known, and one that sustains you through the trials you are facing. My dearest friend Catherine survived this journey three years ago. I traveled with her for many chemo treatments, listening and crying to Laura Story's Blessings, and I can tell you today that Cat is cancer free and, like you, she discovered cancer was a "gift" that gave her new life. Lifting you in prayer.

    PS - I happen to LOVE the movie Frozen!

    1. Thank you, Lisa, for your sweet comment. I am so thankful to have other sisters in Christ to minister back to me as you have. May God bless you always :)

  2. Thanks for sharing your blog with me, I think it will help you a lot to write your feelings down. God can use everything for his good. God bless and keep us posted. My 3rd chemo is a week from today! Every day brings us closer to the cure.

  3. AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!! This is exactly what we chose to do. I do mean chose! You have a choice of how to respond to anything. We say faith in families that walked in peace and comfort and we saw bitter families that were suffering in fear! I have known you since the day we all began to wear our training bra's. It sounds like that it could have been me in that bathroom stuffing our bra's together. What a beautiful post!!


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