
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Today is a good day

Every single day is a challenge. From the moment I wake up until the time I go to bed, my day is filled with choices. I have to decide, before my feet hit the floor, whether this is going to be a good day or a bad day; and that choice depends mainly on how I'm feeling physically.

Today, my arms aren't swollen yet. My bones don't ache and my muscles don't feel like they're all kinked up in knots. I think today will be a good day.

I get up and make my bed. As I spread the down comforter over my mountain of pillows, I have to laugh. Who, in their right mind, sleeps with a down comforter on their bed during the month of June in Georgia? But I've always been cold natured and I guess it's better than the electric blanket (which I took off the bed last month). Hubby has learned to let me do whatever it takes to feel comfortable and if that means letting me sleep with a down comforter, even though it's 90 degrees outside, he does it. Of course, I make concessions. I do turn the thermostat down to 74 degrees and we use a ceiling fan to make the room comfortable for him.

My hubby is a giver and I've become a taker. I never used to be a taker, but trying to find a way to sleep comfortably has forced me to become one. In the previous paragraph, I mentioned my mountain of pillows. You wouldn't believe the number of pillows it takes to help me feel comfortable at night. I have two pillows under my head, two under each arm, and one under my knees. Inevitably, those pillows start out in a nice, neat little mountain when we first get into bed but as the night goes on, I toss and turn and the pillows shift everywhere.

I usually get 2/3 of the bed and my poor, loving husband gets the other 1/3 if he's lucky. Sometimes, during the middle of the night, when I get up to use the restroom, I see him clinging to the edge of the bed. My heart hurts because I know he'll never complain. He knows how much trouble I have sleeping and he's willing to sacrifice so I can gain a few precious hours of sleep.

After making the bed and getting dressed, I go into the kitchen to make myself breakfast. As I eat my actual food, I feed myself on spiritual food from the Bible. This is a regular morning routine for me and it provides me with assurance that God is with me. As I read, I'm reminded that He is always with me. He knows my fears and my insecurities and yet, He loves me through them.

After my devotion and prayer time, I start to work on the house. Laundry and dishes are a constant but I don't mind. I'm just thankful I have the energy to do them today. Some days I don't, but today, so far, is a good day.

I drag the heavy vacuum cleaner from the closet. It's such a challenge to pull that thing around! My arms are so weak since surgery but I do it slowly and surely. I told my husband the other day that I didn't think I could keep tugging the vacuum around because it's so heavy and he told me to order a new light weight vacuum cleaner! And so I did! I am so thankful this will be the last time I have to fight with this one.

Finally, I finish cleaning and I am surprised to find that I still have some energy. Most days, my energy has gone by early afternoon. I decide to make a batch of oatmeal cookies. Hubby loves cookies and this will be a nice surprise for him when he comes home from work.

Pulling out my mixing bowl, I began to measure ingredients into it. First comes the oatmeal, then the flour, and spices. Next the melted butter, the raisins, and the eggs. As I crack each eggshell, I am reminded how fragile they are...just one tiny tap is all it took to shatter the thin, white, protective covering. As I mix all the ingredients together, I can't help but think about my life...just like the cookie batter, it takes some sweet and not so sweet ingredients to make it work.

The cookies smell divine as they are baking. I can't wait for them to get done so I can taste one. It has been a long time since I've baked anything. The cinnamon and the vanilla are wafting through the air. The timer is counting down. I am salivating! As soon as the timer goes off, I carefully lift the cookies from the oven. They look perfect! I am so proud!

As I bring the warm cookie to my mouth, I savor each bite. I let the texture of the oatmeal wash over my tongue and the sweet chewiness of the raisins dance in my mouth. What a simple pleasure and it is gone in an instant. I pick up another cookie and in just a few bites, it disappears too. Oh my gosh! These are so addictive! I haven't had sugar in months and now, I am out of control!

I take just one more cookie from the baking sheet. I decide to make this one last as long as possible. Bit by bit, I pinch off tiny bites and slip them into my mouth. All my senses are stimulated as the ingredients tickle each of my taste buds. My cell phone rings and I walk away from the kitchen. It's a good thing I did otherwise, I'd have probably eaten the entire tray of cookies!

It's mid afternoon now and I'm still feeling good. My energy has slowed just a little bit, but I'm still planning to tackle a few more projects while I can. The good days far outnumber the bad days for me lately and I'm so thankful. For many months it was the other way around. I don't take these days for granted because they are such blessings. Just being able to go through my daily routine brings me such joy.

The smell of the oatmeal cookies has filled every nook and cranny. That delectable aroma is so enticing, but I'm making myself avoid the kitchen at all costs. Maybe after supper, I'll sneak just one more cookie...afterall, it's been a really good day!

©bonnie annis all rights reserved

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